Sunday, January 11, 2009

Settling in

Hey all!
Well because of this crazy snowfall all of our planned group events got cancelled for the weekend so i've had yesterday and today off. yesterday i slept in and then met up with a couple of friends at the Plaza de Cervantes, the main plaza in town. We wandered around the calle mayor and around the University and got to know the city a little better. There's a bus that picks up a block away from my house and drops me off a block away from the school which is awesome! The two other girls that live in my neighborhood, me, and out three mothers walked to teh mall last night which is really neat and really close too! we might go there this afternoon as well. Classes start tomorrow, we get to go to all the classes we want this first week to try them out and see if we like them so thats really nice.besos!


  1. Hi Natalie, I just read your story so far about your mucho grande (that's the extent of my Spanish) adventure in Spain. You know what - every single time I go do a speaking job somewhere, I'm standing there looking at the audience while I'm being introduced, thinking, "What am I doing here.... What made me think I wanted to do this... I could be at home..." Then, once I get going, I'm fine. I usually end up meeting some nice people--and usually hear from the teachers in the audience that something I said it going to help them with their tough kids in class. After I'm done and am on my way home, I'm always glad I went. :-) Keep your chin up - as Gramma would say. Have a fun time! Good thing you are used to the snow! Love, Mary

  2. hey Natalie!
    I saw that you posted this on facebook and I really wanted to see what you were up to in Spain - hope you don't mind if I read all about it! Good luck & God Bless,
    Rachel Zimmerman
