Thursday, May 14, 2009

ROMA Day 1

So as many of you heard i went to rome last weekend! Our flight left Wednesday morning at 7, so in order to get there in time taking the train and metro, it was necessary to sleep in the airport. For future reference, this is NO fun at all! We have a friend who lives in Madrid and happened to be in Alcala Tuesday night and offered to drive us to the metro station which was very helpful but that meant that we got to the airport by about 12:30 with five whole hours to wait before check in. The floor of the airport is very hard and seems to get colder as the night goes on, but we made it through and by 9 that morning were in rome! we headed to our hostel which was kind of sketchfest USA but we're tough girls and didn't mind it too much. The rooms were closed every day from 11-3 so instead of taking a nap as we very well needed and wanted, we decided to grab some food and start exploring the city. We started wandering as we have seemed to become pros at and found ourselves in a plaza outside the palace and then wandered to teh Trevi Fountain which ended up probably tying for my favorite thing seen in Rome. We threw euro pennies in por su puesto so that means we're coming back! watch out rome! We then bought supplies for guacamole [watch for it, it becomes a mitema as my mitologia profesora would say or a recurring theme of this trip] and went back to the hostel and ate guac for dinz. We then went back out to peruze rome some more. our goal was to save the colosseum until thursday when we'd make a day of it, but we ended up stumbling upon some ruins which we later found out was the roman forum which leads to the colosseum. When we first saw it we jumped up and down like little girls on their birthdays. It was almost more impressive to see at night all lit up than it was during hte day. We then went back to the hostel early, watched a movie on Kelly's laptop and went to bed to start again on thursday.


  1. what a great pic of the Coliseum. very impressive. Did you see the inside? That's sort of unreal to be there thinking about what went on in that place. I hope you indulged in gelato.

  2. wow!! the Coliseum looks awesome!!! i still remember watching the Lizzie McGuire movie with you and she preformed at the Coliseum haha!! the trevy fountain is super cool too. btw love the sunglasses☺

  3. fun beans sleeping in the airport!!
